The votes have been counted and the independents certainly made a splash in this election! The Greens also picked up more seats than we’ve seen before, so it seems the voting population have made it clear that issues around climate change, integrity and women’s safety resonate very strongly amongst our communities.
Now the results are in, the natural question is what the real estate industry can expect with a new government in power. We’re already seeing a softening in the market with the rising interest rates, but what’s less clear at this point is how the rental crisis and longer-term housing affordability will be practically addressed over the next few years.
While there is a lot going on that we can’t control at the moment, there are still some things we can – namely how we share, analyse and access up to date real estate insights to support us in the sale and management of property.
You may already be aware that I recently announced what’s been described as the ground-breaking launch of the REIP Nexus platform. This industry backed and owned CMA and market insights tool combines real time industry data with powerful technology to provide current property insights.
By partnering with infotech, proptech and fintech innovator Valocity, we can quickly digitise and deliver the critical information you and your clients need to make key property decisions with confidence.
We are so thrilled to be able to create this new platform for the industry that we’re going to give you access for free! Register your interest now and we’ll be in touch shortly.
CEO, Real Estate Industry Partners
CEO, Real Estate Industry Partners

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