While we were all hoping that 2022 would see us turn a corner in terms of returning to a post COVID ‘normal’, the recent news of the devastating floods in QLD and Northern NSW, and the war in Ukraine suggest we will be facing turbulent times for a while yet.
From a market perspective, after 2 years of month-on-month market growth, we have seen a trending down of the growth rate in February. With global uncertainty, the rising cost of living and ongoing COVID issues impacting consumer confidence, we’ll have to keep an eye on how this plays out in the market over the coming months. Tim Lawless and I discuss this and other trends this month’s Market Insights.
A question I hear a lot is ‘how can I stand out from my competition’. Recently I caught up with Justin Marden, the person responsible for some of the most successful real estate re-branding campaigns in the last few decades and he shared his tips for success. See below for more.
It was International Women’s Day yesterday and the theme this year is #BreaktheBias. There are many amazing, successful women at the heart of our industry and it was great seeing many of you celebrating the successes that have been gained. There is still some way to go in building workplaces that are diverse, equitable and inclusive – where all differences are celebrated – and with more women moving into key leadership roles, our industry will continue to thrive.
Finally, I want to extend my very best wishes to everyone being impacted by either flood or war. My thoughts are with you and I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed for a fast resolution to these distressing situations.
Until next time, stay connected.
Sadhana Smiles
CEO, Real Estate Industry Partners
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CEO, Real Estate Industry Partners
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